Today my reading is from the Studies in Divine Science by C.L. Baum 1909.
What should be the object of our lives after we take up the study of Truth? The object and purpose of every life should be to live in accord with Good, God. That is what we are here for. Jesus said: “For this cause came I unto the world, that I might bear witness to the truth,” and each soul can make tis same statement. We are not here to get, but to realize the eternal truths which are in God. This should be the main object of our lives from this moment. As we do this; as we realize God-Presence; as we bear witness to the Truth of our real nature, we shall come into peace. The fulness of Good is potentially in every living soul. It is not absorbed from the external; it is unfolded by the universal law of growth. We have the Christ within us; and we are to unfold that Christ. We in our true eternal state are perfect. The Christ within us is Truth, and when we know this we shall go forth from glory to glory. We do not create this glory, this consciousness; it is all there to be realized. We do not create God within us, nor the perfect life and substance; we simply discover these.
I hear you say, “How am I to do this? Make it so simple that I too may come into this consciousness.” There are three steps by which we unfold into this consciousness.
First: by recognizing God, infinite Good, everywhere. This is our basis.
Second: By claiming this divinity within us; by claiming all the attributes of God as belonging to us. What God is, we are.
Third: By Manifesting outwardly, or in the visible, what we know ourselves to be in the invisible. As we know our divinity, we make it manifest.
Meditation - Spirit
We shall now move into meditation on “Spirit.” Let us turn inward to our holy temple, breathe deeply and slowly, and quiet our thoughts. As I speak to take these words within for yourself.
The Omnipresence of God is absolutely everywhere present. This very moment right here and now, wherever I am, God is present. This same presence of God is above me, below me, right of me, left of me, and alive in and as the life of me. This invisible God Presence is my very life and is the visible form of my presence in this world.
I am both invisible Spirit and Spirit in manifestation. (repeat)
The true life of all creation is the invisible Spirit of God. God creator, creating and expressing life; God in manifestation. This entire universe is of God in manifestation. Let us acknowledge every human being and living creature as holy. This ground we walk upon as holy. Every breath we take is holy. The water we drink and bathe in is holy. The food we eat is holy. All is God and all is holy. (Silence)
We give thanks for these moments in silence. We are grateful for this truth and in our expanded awareness of At-one-ment. Thank you, Divine Presence. Amen.