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Reading & Meditation (One) by Rev. Christine Emmerling 3/12/23

Reading & Meditation (One) by Rev. Christine 3/12/2023

Today I’m sharing with you from March 7th Divine Science Daily Studies, contributed by Rev. Stan Ousley Jr., Santa Fe New Mexico.

The gift of a greater infusion, the mystical unitive consciousness, is not a common everyday type of gift, and it is a “gift” that many people seem afraid to receive! Divine infusion or IN-filling is not necessarily a prerequisite for worldly happiness, but the inner experience of Emmanual, God-with-us and IN us, leads us to a happiness of wholeness that is beyond gifts of the world. Basically, it is the infusion of Pure Love.

There is no one way to attain a unitive consciousness. Various prayer practices, meditation, going into The Silence or practicing devotional activities may lead a person to a unitive sense of the Omnipresent Oneness.

This “Gift” exceeds all other gifts one can ever receive. It is a very personal and intimate. There is a Sacred Something beyond our activities of daily living that we can know in our souls. And without stressful seeking, we can simply be willing to receive the gift. To know The Holy Sacred even once in such a way makes all of the rest of life with its ups and downs so very worth living.

Affirm: Today I am open and willing to receive the gift of awareness of the Sacred Omnipresence.

Meditation - One

We shall now move into meditation. Let us turn inwardly to our holy temple. Now breathe in deeply and exhale slowly as we bring our attention to our heart.

I ask within, “Who am I - what am I?” The One everywhere Presence is all. There is one giver of life, Divine Infinite Spirit, or Omnipresence. I ask again “Who am I - what am I?” I am of this same All Presence - the Presence of the living God. “Who am I - what am I?

I am the beloved child. I am a gift to the world. (Repeat)

The gift of love, the gift of life, the gift of wisdom and knowledge, the gift of strength and power, and the gift of joy are already mine. They are my birthright, my divine inheritance - they are already within me. Mine to explore, cultivate and give to the world.

Now for the greatest gift of all - I am one with the All, this eternal Holy Sacred Presence is my very life and being. As I go deeper within, I abide in this sacred silence.

As we bring our attention back, let us give thanks for these moments in the silence, in communion.

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