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Reading & Meditation (love) Rev. Christine Emmerling 3/28/21 text

Reading & Meditation (Love) by Rev. Dr. Christine 3/28/2021

Today my reading is from the Come Unto Me series volume 3 The Christ by Malinda Cramer from articles in Harmony Magazine 1888-1906. Note that Malinda taught that metaphysically Jesus the Christ or Christ Jesus means God with us.

“Where we look for the demonstration of faith, we find it. Where there is the belief in separation from God, we find unbelief. It is said that Jesus found more unbelief in his own town of Nazareth than he did in the cities of semi-pagan Samaria. It is said that the High Priest and other rulers crucified him - and those who were called publicans and harlots received him. A blind beggar recognized him as the Son of God; while the Pharisees saw him as an imposter and blasphemer.

We often see wonderful demonstrations of faith, where people say they have no faith. Yet, often where people say they have faith, their words and deeds are faithless. We love to think of this truth of God being manifest with us and of the voluntary death unto all sin and of the resurrection unto all life - as the salvation of the whole world.

In this Truth we all can realize that we are the royally born, with all power in heaven and in earth already given unto us; and in the consciousness of at-one-ment (that I and my Father are one), we have power to rule over heaven and earth within ourselves. Yet few comprehend; few see both Saviour and King within themselves.

There are many who make inquiries concerning Jesus, but they do not find him because their inquiry is curiosity only. Those who are worldly-wise make many inquiries concerning the prophesies and of their fulfillment (more than the wise men do), but they never find Jesus, the Christ, who is the fulfilling of the law and the prophets. They who find him, do so because they are willing to worship in Spirit and in truth: worship him in the Spirit of wholeness. If we find him within ourselves, we must be willing to so worship wholeness, that it will include our entire existence as divinely begotten of God.

We all see, and then worship: that is, we first understand, then think and act in unison with the wholeness of the Spirit – the Allness of the One God. If we worship Jesus, we cordially accept the son of God, by surrendering ourselves individually to the Son. We can worship in faith by saying to all: Thou art the Son of God. When we find that the salvation of God already includes the outer man; and in so doing, we worship him in the spirit of wholeness. The same spirit of Wholeness, in which all things are created, is the one which is salvation from all separation, limitation, sickness, and death.” end

Meditation - Love

We will now go into meditation. I invite you to get comfortable, and begin to breath slowly, deeply. Let us acknowledge every breath as the life and breath of God.

God, Divine Infinite Spirit is here now. Right where I am God is. God is the very life of me. I am in God, and God is in me - there is only One - One Life, One Spirit, One All, everywhere present. This One Spirit is expressing in, through, and as my very life and being, and all life everywhere...

This Infinite Spirit is pure love, therefore all creation, all life is an expression of love. I am the embodiment of the spirit of love. This love is expressing through my every thought and action, and comes back to me in full measure.

I am love, I am loved, I am loving. (Repeat)

This whole universe is an outburst of God’s love. This invisible substance we call love, is all powerful, and is truly the only power anywhere and everywhere. Love is the power that sustains wholeness of all creation both visible and invisible.

I look at a person’s eyes, I see and feel love. Love is a child’s laughter, children joyfully playing together. Love is a hug, a smile. Love is a person giving a helping hand, and carrying for another life. Love is being there as a listening ear, as a silent witness. Love is that new beautiful creation, or the person it touches and inspires. Love is truly all there is. Let us move into the silence...

I invite you to begin to bring your attention back. First with gratitude for these moments in silent communion. Now let us bring our attention to our breath. Now to our body, stretching a little. And, open your eyes being fully present.

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