Today I’m sharing from the Divine Science Daily Studies volume II. This reading is written by Elsie MacKay.
“God is Light, and in him is no darkness at all.” 1 John 1:5
The light of God is tangible – it is as real, as apparent as the sunlight. We can easily feel the sun’s rays when we walk out into the bright sunshine. Why not, then, just as easily enjoy the warmth and spiritual light emanating from our Creator all about us? When we let that light shine through us, it shines right back to us from everyone we meet.
God’s light is omnipresent. It is an expanding glow that fills the heart and mind as we recognize the oneness of all creation.
This glow of Oneness permeates the whole world as we stretch our imagination to encompass the earth and extend to the farthest star... and beyond. We can feel this closeness in the warmth of friendship, the love of our family, the very breath that fills our body temple.
No wonder Jesus said, “You are the light of the world.” It is a scientific fact. It is a glorious reality.
You can bless yourself, everyone you meet, everyone you happen to think about today, by remembering the God light shining throughout all creation. Silently say, “I am the light of the world. Thank you, Father.”
We shall now move into a meditation on Light. Let us turn inward to our holy temple connecting mind and heart as one.
God, Omnipresent Infinite Spirit is pure light - both visible and invisible light. Everything everywhere is infinite light. God light is all intelligent, all powerful pure love, and is the building blocks of all creation. As a being made in the image and likeness of God, then I too am pure light, every atom, cell of my being is light. My soul, thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions are the activity of God’s pure light. I am a light being experiencing life.
I live and have my being in Divine light. (Repeat)
All there is, is God’s light everywhere. Even what appears as darkness is light beyond our perception. Our entire universe is made of light, even dark matter is light.
What a beautiful creation we live in with all its bright shining stars, planets and cosmic bodies endlessly expanding. Our own Mother Earth with all its vibrant life. So many different creatures and vegetation all expressions of light dancing as life. Even the air we breathe is life giving light. What I eat, drink and breathe is all light. My entire being is the light of God. I am a light unto the world. (Silence)
Let us take a moment to let the joy of gratitude fill our hearts. Thank you Divine Presence for these moments of Oneness. So it is, Amen.