Today my reading is from Divine Science Daily Studies volume II. This reading is by Grace L. Faus titled “Living with Joy.”
“Your joy no man will take away from you.” John 16:22
When we find within ourselves the Spirit of the Living god, life becomes more thrilling than it ever was. Living with God is a great adventure, living, we might almost say, as God. For when we realize that “I and my Father are one,” we realize that our life is God living through us, and this becomes tremendous and exciting.
As we learn more about the beauty and wonder of life, we are constantly learning more about God, because God is Life. A poet has said, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” We have wondrous beauty to behold–if we will only look. When we see great beauty in nature or in art, or listen to heavenly music, we are experiencing God. Our life becomes a “glorious orchestra of divine harmonies.”
Joy, too, is an essential part of life. If we are not enjoying life, it is not a real adventure for us. “Joy is an inside job,” said Don Blanding. Jean Ingelow’s lovely statement is, “Joy is the grace we say to God.” And in the silence of our own soul we feel the joy of all life, for it is one with infinite good, with God. Often when joy fills our hearts, God moves us to greatness and truly nobility.
We shall now move into a meditation on “Joy.” Let us turn inward to our holy temple, breathe deeply and slowly as we quiet our thoughts to listen. Take the following words within for our self:
The Divine Presence of God is alive with Joy. God is expressing joy this very moment and every moment. The spirit of God’s joy is everywhere present. Joy is right here and now ever expressing the beauty of life.
Joy is actively alive in me. (Repeat)
Joy uplifts, and makes all things lighter and brighter. A child’s joyous laughter so innocent and pure spreads as everyone touched joins in. This whole universe is an outburst of God’s joy. Every star, cosmic body and planet are all expressions of God’s joy. This whole beautiful earth and all its life is God’s joy in expression. Cats purring, dogs tails wagging, birds chirping and people belly laughing are all divine expressions of joy. My joy overflows as my soul touches the Christ consciousness within. Let us be in silence.
We give thanks for these moments in silence. We are grateful for this truth and in our expanded awareness of At-one-ment. Thank you, Divine Presence of God. So it is. Amen.