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Reading & Meditation Joy by Rev. Christine Emmerling DD 12/17/23

Reading & Meditation Joy

by Rev. Christine Emmerling, D.D. 12/17/2023

Today is the 3rd week of Advent which is about joy. I shall read from Matthew 7-11: “Behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the East, and have come to worship him.” ... And lo, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came to rest over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy; and going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.”

This week hold the consciousness of joy; the joy of giving of our spirit. We joyfully live each day sharing the gift of that light that we are. Giving our smile, and joyfully giving a helping hand to those in need. We recognize each person as part of our self — that God Self in each and everyone everywhere. Let us now light our 3rd candle that represents joy. Using our imagination we light this candle within our heart, and we see it as a bright flame.


We shall now move into meditation on Joy. Let us turn inward to our holy temple. Bring our attention to our breath breathing in deeply and exhaling slowly. Quiet and still our thoughts and listen while we take these words into our consciousness.

“The Joy of the Lord is your strength” Neh. 8:10

I now bring my whole attention to the presence of God - the Divine Presence - Infinite Spirit that is absolutely everywhere both invisible and visible. I am in God and God is living in, through and as the I that I am. I acknowledge God as the joy that is everywhere present. Right here and now I am in the presence of God’s joy. God is expressing joy which reverberates through every aspect of my being; mind, body, and soul.

I am joyously living in the Kingdom of God. (Repeat)

God’s Joy is this invisible outburst of light and love that is expressing life and more life. Every star and cosmic body in our universe is joy expressing more joy. Our mother earth’s joy is nurturing all of life. The bees and butterflies joyously flittering from flower to flower. The birds singing joyously early in the morning. Every living creature is joy in expression. Joy is the life of every drop of blood that is pumping through every heart. Joy is the nucleus of every atom and cell of every body. I am a creation of joy. Divine ideas are expressing and creating joyously through me. The Joy that I am empowers all that I think, say and do. I am the embodiment of God’s joy in expression. Now silence...

In gratitude for this realization of joy we say “Thank you God.” I now invite us to bring our attention back.

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