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Conscious Evolution by Rev. Christine Emmerling DD 9/1/2024

Today my talk is about consciously evolving verses to evolve the way we have been unconsciously for eons. We have a choice to evolve from love. I’m speaking about love as compassion and unconditioned. Or we evolve from the experiences of fear and its many expressions. The more we are in a consciousness or vibration of love, the more accelerated is our evolution. We then live by the gift of grace -- here we take no thought. The power of silence in God; being in conscious union with our Divine Source, is the direct path to higher consciousness and our evolution.

Many think of evolution as having physical changes — animal adapting to its environment. In today’s world there is much concern about extinction of certain animals because their habitant is no longer supportive for their species. Yet, we observe through history that animals have always changed form, and some left completely making way for a new species that is better suited for the environment.

We think of mankind as God’s greatest creation as the most evolved species. We say because we have a sense of self, reasoning power, and can exercise control over our environment. Most people are relating to the environment through their basic 5 senses; sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell.

We are more than a material body having a human experience. This body is truly an energetic system of light appearing as solid matter. As part of our energy body there are what we call chakra or power centers. There are seven major chakra starting from the bottom of our spine to the top of our head. Each one corresponds to an aspect of our self. Our 3 lower chakra takes information from our 5 physical senses and emotions. When our emotions such as fear, sadness, anger, misuse of power and control shut these chakra down, our entire energy system is disrupted and can delay our evolution.

When we allow fear. guilt, anger, jealousy, shame, victim take us over, then we act out from our limited sense of self as a human being. We can hardly see beyond our own nose, living in basic survival mode, and our options seem limited. We are not aware of this beautiful loving world that is truly all around. Instead we see threat and limitation all around us.

The evolving person is operating through a fully activated chakra system. They connect us to faith, creativity, will, unconditional love and compassion, inspiration, intuition, knowledge, wisdom and Cosmic or Christ Consciousness - Our Oneness with all life.

The Spirit of our being is just waiting for our recognition. Every now and then we would get a glimpse of this marvelous world, a spark of inspiration or revelation would be received. We then have a new paradigm from which we are experiencing life. We realize that we are spiritual beings living in a spiritual universe. We call this evolution.

We are told that when caveman sparked that first fire, life as known, was changed forever. Not too long after was the wheel, and modern mankind came to be. So what really happened? There was a change in consciousness. A spark in the consciousness brought forth a new expanded concept of self and the world. God so desired to more fully express love and creativity through its creation, that mankind as it was then known, so too desired to live life more fully, and so it did.

The questions began — there must be a better way? “Ask and you shall receive” and those ready and receptive became those with a new vision. Being open to new possibilities broke down false beliefs and paved the way for new discoveries. Such as, the earth circles around the sun; the earth is not the center of the universe; and that the earth is round not flat. The old beliefs were very limiting especially the world being flat.

Humanity was still very focused only on what could be sensed through the 5 senses. With a round world we became aware that there is much more to explore. This opened up the concept in trusting something more than the basic 5 senses. Although mostly hidden, mysticism was growing in western Europe.

Every time a new idea came forth that contradicted the current authorities or experts of the day, it was first rejected, and the one giving birth to the idea was ridiculed, persecuted, or even executed. Yet these ideas could not be held back regardless of what authorities tried. We can see this in more modern times with the invention of the steam engine, cotton gin for automated picking, electricity, and the air plane to name a few. Yet these could not be stopped.

These inventions have all had major impact on our society and how we view our world of reality. In today’s world we have computers, internet, nuclear science, quantum physics, and space travel to name a few. There is also another vein being explored that has always been, but more recently on a global scale, that of our soul, our spirit. We are so close to the next quantum leap in consciousness.

We have explored our physical reality, the mental intellect, and yet the greatest is yet to be tapped. The invisible physics that one can only be touched through inner discovery to know our true self. Our evolution as a species so far has been at a gradual unconscious level with spurts of change.

Today many people around the world are venturing the path given by all great prophets and spiritual teachers. As we have exhausted the outer world to bring happiness and extend physical life, there is a greater desire to know our self. Psychology has played a major role, but this too has its limits. Traditional orthodox religions leaves much unanswered for an exploring soul.

Many adventurous souls are on their own exploration as trailblazers. Those early explorers in the 1800 & 1900s paved the way for a new kind of spiritual reality in giving a new thought to the teachings of Jesus the Christ. Conscious evolution on a global level has been born.

We have always had the few spiritual leaders that sprang out of the masses every few hundred years, but today we are looking at the masses consciously evolving and waking up to a new reality. Each and everyone of us are part of it. And, those few who are stragglers will be carried by the masses, as in the book “The Hundredth Monkey.”

It only takes a small percentage of our world’s population to make this shift. And, a new mankind shall evolve into being its true potential; no longer just a physical human being but as a full realized multidimensional being of Spirit. As such, we master our emotions, master the elements of the world, and we truly know our interconnectedness with it all.

First we need to realize that the potential is already within us. Just as in the caveman was the potential to become modern man; or a caterpillar to become a butterfly. For human beings we become Christ beings.

We are no longer a human being of matter, but a being of Spirit. Spirit expressing fully through our soul, and our soul fully expressing through our ego and spiritualized body. What appeared to be matter is actually Spirit as substance.

How do we get from here to there? First we must believe that there is more than what our 5 senses can attribute as our reality. Faith can take us a long way on our journey inward. For this is where we discover our true nature. “Ask and we shall receive”; trust and we will know the truth that sets us free. It first comes in glimpses, little by little one knows more of ones relationship with self, creation, and one with the universe and the All in All -- God.

The path is love. How many times and in how many ways have we heard “Love is the answer.” This is love of self and everyone everywhere by being compassionate, forgiving, and nonjudgmental. What we do to another we do upon our self for we are connected one in God. As in karma; for every action there is an equal reaction or we experience back what we give out, much like a boomerang.

As we awaken the chakra system we are activating our evolution. The heart is at the center, it is the gateway to our spiritual self. Raising humanity from just existing to truly living. The heart is where we have connection with our soul. The more we expand and express heart energy the more we are allowing our soul to express through us. Creativity is one of the callings of the soul. Right now there is a deep calling for self-expression and to self-actualize. This is conscious evolution at the personal level.

Barbara Marx Hubbard has said, “We are being called from self-reproduction to self-evolution; to chart our own path; to be not just a slightly better version of Homo Sapiens, but to move our species to the next level.”

We can do this by cultivating a deep sense of connectedness to the whole. We become aware of our creations in this reality of ours. We take responsibility for our thoughts, words, and actions; bringing them in alignment with the principle of love. In this way we harness our power for greater purposes in creation. Through intuition our capabilities of our 5 senses are expanded. We become more sensitive to the unseen world. We have inner knowing and direct communication with our Christ Self.

We become more connected to the world of cause, also known as the 4th dimension, and beyond. That we are multi-dimensional spiritual beings as Jesus the Christ demonstrated through his resurrection and ascension; fully spiritualizing the cellular structure; having command of the body to materialize and dematerialize. We come to know that there are many rooms in my Father’s mansion. There is a whole new universe of reality to explore.

The vital next step for every one of us is to know that the impulse within is calling us to something greater. That impulse may even be felt as fear, depression, or frustration, but it is important for us to recognize that it is the force of creation within us signaling for a greater expression of our self. The next step is to say “Yes!” to that creativity within and give birth to it. Then we are to let our light shine and be of service to others. Service is the path for every disciple of the Christ way.

Community of Infinite Spirit offers online Divine Science courses that leads students through the study of Truth Principle, the practice of silent meditation and affirmative prayer, and advanced training that leads to licensing practitioners and teachers, and ordination of ministers.

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