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Conscious Creation by Rev. Christine Emmerling DD 9/8/2024

Today my talk is titled “Conscious Creation.” Last week I spoke on “Conscious Evolution” which leads to “Conscious Creation” which leads us to “Conscious evolution.” The two are so intertwined like “which came first the chicken or the egg.” My answer is that God first held an idea of a chicken, and God never creates just one, but bountifully. From these first came the species, and then came the eggs as a natural form of re-creation to procreate itself. And, through their experiences and environment they have evolved to adapt and be bountiful.

The animal kingdom’s evolution is on an instinctive level. Which humanity can and does prescribe to, but also has free will of choice. People can consciously create and by doing so increase its rate of evolution. We can evolve consciously or unconsciously. Just that the conscious way is less painful and more quick.

We are creating 24 hours a day; every moment is a new creation. We create consciously and unconsciously. We can create out of love or out of fear. We can take the high risk or the low risk; the highway or the long way. When we create out of fear; we experience through pain, suffering, anger, guilt and shame. We perceive the world through our 5 basic senses; sight, touch, taste, smell and hearing. And, that everything is separate from us. We believe that our world has power to hurt us. That we are victims of a harsh and cruel physical world.

Eventually we humble ourselves and seek help; we turn to God. God speaks to us in many ways. Some go to church, some to the wilderness, others seek advice from friends, read a self help book, or watch a movie that sparks a new way. We learn from our sufferings, and become enriched by our experiences. Then move on to the next tribulation. Most of us are probably pretty familiar with this route. For this is the route for the unawakened soul.

As our soul awakens we develop an awareness of our spiritual nature. We become insightful to the true nature of our world. We begin to understand the spiritual nature of our world. That it is flexible, pliable, and responds to our state of being. Old limiting beliefs crumble away. We are aware that the choices we make can alter our experiences and the way we live life. If we don’t like what we are experiencing, we can change our outlook, our thinking, feeling, and believing. We can choose to do things differently.

As our soul awakens we become aware of our innate abilities of our other senses. These senses awaken through a heart of love and compassion, we call it intuition. Intuition is the inner sight, hearing, feeling, and expresses outwardly as creativity, beauty, and joy of living. Which ignites self-empowerment, genius, freedom, at-one-ment.

Creating consciously is being mindful to the here and now -- being focused. When our minds wander into the past pains and sufferings we are recreating from the past with recharged feelings. Our experiences will all have a similar theme, but with new circumstances and faces. I’ve been there -- done that.

Just think of our mind as a canvas waiting to be filled in by us the artist. We can pick the theme, shapes and colors. When completed we have created a wonderful masterpiece. We don’t stop here for a true artist continues on to the next creation and the next. Each one exquisite. We may visit but do not stay long. The joy is in the creating. Living intuitively, each stroke, moment to moment. Never being attached for too long, or we will forget that we are the artist. Living the one painting over and over believing this is all there is. While a whole universe of paintings are waiting to be created — to become full of life.

Being mindful of the moment. The power of attention and focus bring forth what we call intention. Our intentions create our experiences. Conscious intentions, conscious creating is done through having “a single eye.” This is to hold a single idea in focus of which we desire to experience. This takes practice. Most people have an attention span of just a few seconds, then the mind fleets from one thought to another, or the mind chatter returns. This alters the results of our original intention.

A pure intention comes from the mind and heart connection. Our focus is on God, God as our source, our very being which is our Christ Self. We are co-creators in God and God through us. Our focus is on serving God and creating for the highest good for all. At a personal level we unfold peace, harmony, wisdom, prosperity, wholeness, beauty, joy, love in our lives; which are all life supporting creations.

Our focus imprinted with negative feelings alters the intention from dynamic and pure to muddled where we don’t even recognize it as coming from us. These negative feelings, are based in fear, anger, guilt, shame, and limitation. We project our consciousness into our creations and how we view the world. Its like painting on top of a masterpiece and seeing only chaos. Luckily, this kind of paint can be washed away to once again reveal its true beauty.

Conscious intentions are a powerful tool. We can claim for our self to see the true world now; in its absolute perfect beautiful state. If we are experiencing challenges in a relationship with another person, look beyond the appearance to their true God or Christ Self.

Some that I have used are: “The Christ in me greets the Christ in you” or “The Christ in me speaks to the Christ in you”, “Let there be love, Let there be Love”, repeating over and over. Another one is “How can I see this differently” or “Let the Truth be revealed.” and wait to hear the answer, and then respond accordingly.

Conscious creating is learning to listen to that “still small voice within” and then taking appropriate action -- obeying the voice for God. It is also being open to signs; God speaks to us through many avenues; the song on the radio, a story, a friend, a sign on the street, a bird or other animal. Its being open to receive.

Living in the moment opens us to synchronicity — experiences leading us to the right place in perfect timing. Two people unexpectedly coming together in a restaurant; one having a message for the other -- the answer to their question. Sometimes we even get the answer before asking the question. We have an “Ah, ha moment.”

The more we are tuned in with our Christ Self our lives become spontaneous adventures. This gets us to choosing the high risk over the low risk. The low risk taker is very analytical. They listen to the mental reasoning mind — the mind that judges the world by only the 5 physical senses. They get all the information, analyze every detail, making sure there are few risks before making any decisions. Many stay right where they are in fear of making a mistake, or until it gets too uncomfortable and forced to make changes.

The high risk taker is illogical to the reasoning mind. They listen to their intuition — that gut feeling and inner guidance. They see beyond the rational facts based on the 5 senses. This is the path of faith, trust, and courage. The risks are always high, but so are the results. It may not always be in ways that we judge by outer appearances, but we gain much in our evolution. It doesn’t mean that the high risk taker doesn’t experience fear, for they do, but they don’t let it stop them. They pray, they take it to God listening for inspiration and guidance. Having renewed faith they move onward.

It reminds of when I attended a fire walk ceremony that was held at our church. This practice was to help move us past the fears that were holding us back in life. In preparation for the fire walk, we had exercises to help us face our fears. First by sharing our fears with each other, talking about the risks.

Then it was building our trust in each other first by being blindfolded and having someone guide us around, and then by falling backwards off a pickup bed and trusting in others to catch us.

The final part was getting our selves in a higher state of consciousness through meditation, singing, and chanting. The next step was building our faith by watching our instructors easily walk on the coals without injury. Then the attendees followed, and not a single person was burned.

Don’t be afraid to ask for the seeming impossible — as long as its for a higher good. Then be ready to receive the answer and move forward. Spirit just may ask you to leave your job, move to another city, state or country, end your existing relationships, change your daily habits... be ready.

Daily communion with God, in prayer, meditation, contemplation are means to opening to our Christ Self, in strengthening our faith, healing, and creating a new life. In Divine Science we have what is called prayer treatments. Prayer treatments are a form of extended affirmation to align oneself with the truth regarding any situation that needs healing. There are 5 basic steps: 1. Recognition of God; 2. Identification (identify our self with God); 3. creative denial (this is a reasoning out of our false beliefs); 4. affirmation (affirm the truth); 5. acceptance & gratitude (as already done).

I recommend to write prayer treatments out. This is because it takes greater focus, makes one give greater clarity to their intention and be aligned in truth. We are also moving energy by the act of writing it out. We are also giving concentrated focus to our intention. Conscious creation takes the unifying of our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. Congruency of mind; conscious, subconscious and Christ. Spirit moving freely through all.

I shall close with a prayer treatment on change. Let’s go inward to our holy temple, and begin with some deep breathing,

I acknowledge the Omnipresence of God, God everywhere present. Omnipotence of God, one power that it is all good and everywhere present. Omniscience of God; one intelligence, all knowledge and everywhere present.

I Am one with this Divine presence of God. This very moment I am of God and God is all that I am; the very mind of God, the very life and spirit of God, the power of God is within and as me right here and now.

There is nothing too great for me to confront. That which is not of God has no power of its own. God being all good then anything other than good has no power of its own and therefore is nothingness. That which is a non power returns to the nothingness from which it came.

Everyday is an opportunity for a greater good to come forth in my life. I am open and receptive to Divine guidance. I am inspired to live a greater expression of my true Self. My talents abound. I am creative, intelligent and courageously share my gifts with the world. My life is fulfilling and joyous.

What is true of me is true of everyone everywhere. I accept these words of truth knowing it is already done. Praise be to God from whom all blessings flow. With a heart of gratitude I say, thank you God. So it is. Amen!

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