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From Dream to Reality by Rev. Christine Emmerling DD, 8/18/2024

“From Dream to Reality” 8/18/24 Rev. Christine

Today’s talk is about making our dreams into a reality. Reality is a dream made solidified to be an actual part of our daily experience through time and space.

Science today is having a difficult time in defining what reality really is. For scientists, especially those into quantum physics, are finding that all is fluid, and that what we have are a series of probable events, and we consciously or unconsciously choose which one we shall experience.

Scientists say that time is not just linear, but all at once, and besides time moving forward it also can go backwards, and even vertical. Which gives us multiple probable outcomes of any one experience.

Scientists have said we have periods when the veil is thin (or portal) between probabilities. This is when we can more easily make a shift from one life track to another and can totally change our life’s future experiences. Science has reported that the brain itself doesn’t know the difference between a dream experience or an actual one. All this can appear to be rather mind boggling when we begin to realize how powerful we really are in creating our life’s experiences. This can get really fun to work with.

The videos “What the Bleep do we know?” and its sequel “Down the Rabbit Hole” explains much of this in story form with scientists giving their explanations. I highly recommend these as a good place to start.

Of course, there are people that would be very uncomfortable to think about a universe that is fluid, that we have choices and are making them all the time which create our reality – our daily life experiences. Instead preferring a sense of having a safe place where they can count on the physical being solid matter, and much of their life is the same day in and day out.

One day our life just doesn’t work anymore, and we are forced to break out of our box. I call this the 2x4 that whacks us; it can be an accident, loss of job or loved one, anything that is unexpected that rocks our boat, shakes us to the core.

There is a greater sense of anxiety going on for people today, at least the media gives that impression with all its advertising for anti-anxiety medication. All this anxiety may be from the fact that their world of solid matter is breaking down. Deep inside they know what is really going on - change is coming. Yet, they don’t have the answers for living a different paradigm.

Early New Thought teachers spoke on how our collective emotions can create severe weather patterns. Today’s scientists are also revealing that there is a correlation between the collective emotions and severe weather patterns.

Dr. Jack Holland speaking about the power of our emotions to manifest gave as an example: when planning to go on a picnic and wanting it to be a beautiful sunny day to say, “I fear for a sunny day.’ Now it may sound strange to fear for a sunny day when sunny is what we want, but because fear is a strong emotion it will more easily manifest.

So how do we maneuver in this new found reality. The good thing is that we already unconsciously are. But now we have an opportunity to learn to have more power in how we live our lives.

I recall when my life took sudden major shifts from one life track to another. One was in 1977 when I had a car accident that took me from living in North Lake Tahoe back to San Jose. I was laid up for almost a year. This also ended my work as a grocery checker and led to my going back to school for a whole new career in computer science.

Prior to this accident, I had been working consciously to be transferred to the Bay area. At the same time my teenage daughter was against the idea and my boss refused to approve my transfer. What happened is that I unconsciously took the track of a car accident that totally disrupted my family’s life. Not very graceful.

Then in 1994, I consciously shifted tracks from my being a manager of computer services to being a full time minister. I’ll never forget when sitting in my office reading an email from the boss, a loud internal voice said “Get out now.” Then I had a vision of me standing in the church parking lot looking up at the sanctuary where I had been a part time minister. The voice said “You have three months to get your energy together.”

I wrote my resignation letter effective immediately, and called my boss to notify him. As I was leaving, I looked around the room, and said, “I created this reality, and so I am walking into my new reality,” and I walked through the doorway. As I entered the outdoors, I said to myself, “I have now entered my new life – my new reality.”

The strange thing is as I walked through those doors, it was as if, the old paradigm crumbled, there was no attachment to it. I felt as if I had walked into the light after being in this place of grey heavy energy. The very next morning I showed up at my church, and everyday thereafter. At first I questioned my decision and asked for signs. Quickly I received several signs that affirmed that the universe was supporting my decision.

I have recognized seeds that were planted that finally came to fruition 20 years later. Why the delay? It was In the early 1980s when my daughter and I went browsing looking at mobile home display models. These were large double wide units with all the features of a house. At that time it seemed financially out of my reach. I released the idea until my daughter was looking for a place to live with her family. Now twenty years later we were living in one that looked almost identical.

According to science this paradigm was always available, but took the right conditions in matching energy of mind and feeling. How many times do we say “no” to an idea; with such thoughts as “I can’t” “Its impossible”, or accept other people’s rejections as our own. These rejections by others can actually be our own deep suppressed fears being projected back to us through other people. These are all self defining limitations.

We can speed up the process from 20 years to a week or a day, when we learn to say “yes”; or explore the idea of “how can I?” or “why not me?” All things are possible when we believe. We have been so indoctrinated to believe in only what we can experience through our basic five senses that we have blinders on to the rest of the universe or Multiverse – to where all the other possibilities reside.

Gregg Braden shares in his book “The Isaiah Effect” the prayer that heals. This is from the ancient scrolls of Isaiah. So much of the Bible, tells us the way it really is, but then we have to have the ears to hear and the eyes to see to understand it’s deeper message.

New Thought has been teaching various forms of this for some hundred plus years. When our mind and feeling come into alignment then it is done. Jesus said, “when two or more are in agreement, it is done.” We take this as two or more people that are in agreement – and that is one way. Another way is to see this as speaking of just one person. That of our inner self; our feelings, beliefs and thoughts being in agreement.

For example: We may think we want something yet not truly believe we can have it. The result is then not having what we wanted. The ruling belief and feeling won out over the thought. We have our thought, and then our secondary thought or feeling. Feelings are stronger than our thought, as well as belief’s are stronger than our thought. So we must get our feelings and beliefs in alignment with our thoughts to have the desired result.

Emmet Fox wrote the “The Mental Equivalent.” This booklet is teaching the very same thing. If you want a million dollars, then you must have a consciousness of a millionaire. Carrying our old consciousness with us will not bring forth our new dreams. Instead we will be carrying along our old self, and soon recreating what we had. We must first expand our consciousness by using our imagination, then by matching it in mind and feeling. Becoming it in mind, and then it is ours in our manifest world.

They say build it and they will come – first build the consciousness by claiming our new sense of being, releasing all concern, move our feet acting as if, having gratitude for what we do have, and the rest will come in due time or in divine timing.

It took 20 years for my soul to be in complete agreement for a home, and only a few months for a new career and life. My current home took less than a year from dream to reality. First I had to get out of my own way of what I thought I could have. Then when I saw this house I was ready for my greater good, and it was an immediate “Yes” and it was ours.

Braden shares about how three practitioners prayed for a woman who had cancer. They did this scientifically with an MRI, first by freezing a snapshot of the existing view of the tumor, and then a series in real time, taking but three minutes for the tumor to disappear. These practitioners held the feeling of well being for this woman, never once giving thought to the appearance of a tumor. This is the work that our practitioners do - holding to the absolute Truth of oneness and wholeness.

In prayer, the words we speak are to align our consciousness with truth, to help set the stage of two or more in agreement. Then we release and move into the silence. Here is where the real work takes place that allows for a shift in paradigm or reality to one of wholeness and well being.

Following a healing Jesus told them to go to the temple and share their gratitude or testify for the healing. And, for those that didn’t, the healing was lost. Their mind set had not changed, doubts set in, and so did their old wounds, or disease. Going to the temple, metaphysically means, to that inner place within our selves and be grateful and be a witness for our new sense of being.

Jesus prayer was in gratitude acknowledging the miracles as already done. This was another form of creating the feeling – as already done. And the releasing of it – giving it over to God, or the Father within which does the works.

Let us now take a few minutes to bring our dream to reality. We begin with selecting a dream, something that we would like to have as a reality in our life...

While we build this in consciousness we stay focused on the outcome; we feel it and see our self living it, and now a joyous “YES” to it...

Now feel gratitude for this new reality. We feel our heart and mind come together in an overall sense of well being – at peace, complete acceptance...

Now we release trusting the seed that has been planted to the creator within, in the mind of God to bring this forth or something even better. And so it is!

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