My talk today is titled “Building Your Dreams.” Building dreams are really about expanding our mind-set or consciousness by using our imagination. Dreams begin out of a desire for something greater or different – wanting something more out of life. Sometimes a dream may seem like fantasy or something out of science fiction. It is that desire to go beyond the normal, beyond the same old thing. Finding that something that stirs deep inside us – which excites us for life – begins with expanding our mind beyond our current boundaries.
To me summertime represents the period of expansion for our future growth and experiences in life. Summer stretches our boundaries. Summer has traditionally been the time to take those dream vacations while the weather is warm and school is out. Going to some place new – having an adventure, exploring, meeting new people and discovering about their culture.
A vacation is an opportunity to leave behind our beliefs and old conditions behind us and put to practice that which we have been learning. When traveling to some far-off place, we’re in a whole new element; a new environment where nobody has any fixed ideas about us – its so freeing to just be our selves. At this time in my life vacations are about taking off my minister’s hat and just be Christine relaxing, taking in the beauty and going with the flow.
There are no fixed expectations – it is being open to whatever is going to happen – exciting. If we over define what is to happen, then disappointment can lay in, and limitation too. Instead of expanding the consciousness, it contracts back to an old record like “I told you so” or “nothing ever works out for me”; the poor me syndrome. Instead leave room for God to fill in and be surprised.
The following is from my childhood at 10 years old. It was June 1956, our father had passed the year before. It was early Saturday morning, the day after school let out for summer vacation. My 3 older siblings and I woke up to our mother calling out to get up, pack a bag for we’re leaving in one hour to Disneyland. You never saw us move so fast.
I’ll never forget the many Sundays before we went on this vacation, seeing Disneyland being previewed on the Walt Disney Show, and dreaming of being there. And then to actually be there, it was quite the adventure. That was my best childhood vacation, and what made it so special was that it was a total surprise. Everything we did was new and different. I think it helped our family to heal.
Throughout the years, I had many more fun times at Disneyland taking my children, grandchildren and more recently my great grandson. We’re never too old to have fun and adventure.
Although, summertime seems to be the best time to travel, actually anytime of year will do for taking those spiritual adventures in life. We experience our new understanding. Life becomes an adventure as we journey to new depths of our soul. These are opportunities to put to practice what we have learned in our classes. Life is a spiritual journey – an adventure.
Back in 1994, John Randolph Price, and his wife Jan, spoke at the International New Thought Alliance Congress. They spoke on Building Dream Castles as a way to inspire and lift oneself out of the blues. As a method to get the imagination and visioning moving. Before starting a new project Price begins with an expanded perspective for his greater good to unfold.
Back in my prior career we would have brainstorming sessions. We would throw out ideas regardless of how foolish they may sound, and there was to be no judgment about what someone had said. We would just write down all the ideas. Once the mind was freed up from our restrictions, then our imagination began to flow, and eventually one or two good ideas would come forth.
So before planning any special vacation or project we begin by exercising our imagination to expand our consciousness. Otherwise, we will carry our current consciousness – our beliefs, and we will continue to experience the same old thing. As the saying goes, wherever you go, you take yourself with you.
Instead lets make life adventurous by expanding and stretching, and putting the wow back into life. Why was that trip to Disneyland so much fun? Because it was totally unexpected! Every moment was a surprise. Even when the muffler broke it was taken so lightly. There was no room for being upset, and our dream was fulfilled and more.
Jesus the Christ said to be as little children. And what do children have?
A child has the natural capacity to use their imagination, be playful, and to trust. So periodically we take time out to be as little children, to imagine, to play and live our dreams.
Before going on that dream vacation, at some point we begin with what if. I know when I’m searching for my next vacation spot, its so different in today’s world, we just search the internet. I remember back in the days going to the travel agency to get travel brochures to dream and make plans.
Now I just sit at my computer and let my fingers do the searching. There are so many possibilities - then its what can I afford, and the weather. Also it has too have warm ocean water, or at least a warm swimming pool.
In building dream castles we expand the normal from what we think we can do and afford. Dream castles expand the consciousness to new limits so that we can believe and accept new possibilities. Years ago I would never have thought it possible to visit the beautiful places I have been to. It starts with a dream - a desire.
Jan Price began their dream castle with “We boarded a large jet and are sitting in 1st class with all the luxuries fit for a king and queen. As we step off the jet in Switzerland our own private stretch limousine is waiting to brisk us off to a grand hotel that looks like a castle, and has its own lake. John is receiving special recognition, an award for helping humanity.”
When she was done it was John’s turn to add to this story. He went on with something like: “We checked into the hotel and we have a penthouse with a gorgeous lake view. Chilled champagne and fresh fruit are sitting on the table. A brand new tux and evening gown are hanging in the closet. Just everything we need for a grand evening. Our hearts are overfilled with gratitude.”
We can build our dream castles anyway we want, stretch, even to the seeming impossible or ridiculous. Remember if we can dream it – it can happen as long as we have the vision with conviction. Using fantasy is great for expanding our consciousness beyond normal limits.
Dream castles are not designed to produce particular events, they are for expanding our imagination and breaking our self made limitations. Our brain is like a muscle that needs to be exercised to awaken its potential for accepting new ideas.
We are now going to take a few minutes to expand our imagination with a guided visioning. I invite you to get comfortable, relax and begin with some deep breathing.
Let us begin, imagine that you are lying on soft green grass, and the sun is warm and comforting. It is peaceful and safe. Now look up, and see a large balloon floating towards you. As the balloon comes within reach you grab its attached string. The balloon gently lifts you higher and higher, as you become lighter and lighter. You float to a white fluffy cloud, and you now step onto it. There is a rainbow bridge connected to the cloud. You attach your balloon to the bridge. Now step across the rainbow and at the other end there is a castle.
There are two great doors which open just for you, and you step through. Your wise spiritual guide is waiting for you, and tells you that all things are possible – your most wildest dreams can come true. Just imagine if you can be or do anything, what kind of life would that look like? You can now go into the future – and see yourself in your new life. What is it like, where are you, what are you doing? We’ll take a few minutes in silence to dream.
It is now time to bring an end to your dream making. The dream seeds are planted. You thank your wise spiritual guide for these dreams. Now exit the castle, and go back across the rainbow bridge to your cloud. Untie your balloon and gently float down safely back to the green grass. Once settled, let go of your balloon until next time. Take another deep breath and open your eyes.
I believe dreams are God’s way to bring greater good into our lives. These are God’s desires for us, waiting to come through us. God always gives more than we can ever think of or dream.
I’ll close with the following poem:
I am the flow – I am the air.
I am the dreamer - I am the dream.
I am the weaver – I am the web.
I am the woven one.