Reading & Meditation Renewal by Rev. Christine 3/27/2022
Today my reading is from the Divine Science Federation International Daily Studies written by Rev. Vernon A. Shields.
There are two springs—one, found with nature, that comes once a year; the other, of the heart, that can be any time, or eternal. In the spring of nature we witness the transformation of the world about us. In the Spring of the heart, or of consciousness, we experience a renewal, a new zest for living, a new awareness of God’s Presence and Power ever with us. We become transformed.
The spring of nature takes place once each year. The Spring of consciousness can take place any time, or eternally. The eternal command is, “Behold, I make all things new.” We need not wait for a certain time of the year to enjoy this renewal or Spring of consciousness. When we decide, God is ready. “All things be ready, if the mind be so.” (Shakespeare) When we start, God starts. When we open ourselves to new life-giving, uplifting, beautifying ideas, our Spring of consciousness begins. Why wait?
Emerson wrote, “Within man (each one of us) is the soul of the whole; the wise silence; the universal beauty. to which every part and particle is equally related; the eternal One.” Paul said that the inward man is renewed day by day. Let Spring happen to you within and the spring of nature will give to you great beauty, joy, and wonder.
Meditation: We will now go into meditation. I invite us to turn inward, and begin with some good deep breathing, and relax.
God is right here, right now, and everywhere present. This invisible and visible substance is the life and light of all living. All that God created is alive, everything is expressing life - eternal life. All is in a state of recreation - a constant renewal of life. I am a living expression of God, therefore I am in a constant state of renewal. I am in a constant state of renewal. (Repeat)
At springtime we are reminded of God’s recreation. The budding trees, the flowers poking their heads out of the ground with the promise of full blooms. Nests filled with eggs hatching with new life. Every moment the atoms of every cell are replaced. Life is constantly recreated and made new; giving more life, eternal life. (Silence)
As we bring our attention back, let us give thanks for these silent moments in Oneness.