“Twelve Power Activation Meditation” by Rev. Christine 4/17/2022
Today is Easter Sunday the celebrated resurrection of Jesus the Christ. These past 6 weeks we have been on a spiritual journey in discovering Our 12 Powers in regeneration of our Christ nature. Today we are culminating “Our Twelve Powers” series with a full 12 Power guided meditation.
We shall be activating the regeneration of our mind, body and soul. The process shall go like this: We shall first call upon the Christ mind within us; then follow with calling forth each of the 12 disciples and associated power using sound, and our inner perceptions of sight, and feeling.
For example: we shall activate this power within us by focusing upon the power’s location within the body and image its vibrational color; we repeat the affirmations out loud or silently embodying the words; next repeat the power such as, faith... faith... faith... Then tone its associated sound. We will follow in silence feeling its activation and power unfolding within before moving onto the next power.
Let’s take a moment to stretch, and get comfortable. Take a few good deep breaths. Relax. Now we bring our attention at the crown of the head where we contact our super conscious or Christ mind. Let us affirm: “The Christ of God is awakening within me. (repeat) The Christ of God is awakening within me now.” (repeat)
The outpouring of the Holy Spirit, a soft golden white light, “dazzling as the sun” of pure intelligence. Feel this light as it descends from the heavens of our mind filling every cell, atom, molecule and thought of our being... Breath it in. All darkness is dissolved in the light...
We now bring this Christ light to the front of our forehead, the seat of the conscious mind. We affirm: “I am aware that the Christ of God is awakening within me. I AM grateful that the Christ of God is being quickened in me now.” (Repeat)
Feel the golden white light penetrating and permeating every function and cell of soul and body. Consciously follow it all the way down into the feet and beneath the feet... With our attention centered in the feet, realize that the windows of our soul are open toward the heavens of our mind. We are saturated in this holy light.
There is also an upward current coming up from the earth through the feet to the base of the spine. The descending downward current of spirit merges with the ascending upward current tempering and harmonizing all undisciplined race thoughts and transforms error beliefs. Now consciously bring this current of light to the heart center. The Christ is setting up a throne of dominion here.
These twelve powers are entering the soul consciousness and are organizing themselves as spirit substance. The foundation of our new Christ body or temple of God is being laid. Just receive...
We affirm: “I am now in the presence of pure Being, immersed in the Holy Spirit. I acknowledge Your presence and power. O blessed Spirit, in Your divine wisdom I now erase my mortal limitations, and from Your pure substance of love, I bring my world into manifestation according to Your perfect law.”
Join me in the Lord’s Prayer translated from the Aramaic. “Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, as in heaven so on earth. Give us bread for our needs from day to day. And forgive us our offences, as we forgive our offenders. And do not let us enter into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the Power, and the Glory, forever. Amen.”
1. We shall now call forth our first disciple: “The Christ in me calls forth Peter, my disciple faculty of Faith. We bring our attention to the power center of Faith at the center of the head, and see it glowing deep blue. Declare “The Christ of God through Faith is awakening within me.” Repeat “Faith, Faith, Faith....” Tone the sound of “I” (aye) “Through Christ the Faith of God is activated within me now.” Bring the golden light to the back of the heart at the power center of love, and declare: “I have Faith in the supreme power of Love.” Silence...
2. “The Christ in me calls forth Andrew, my disciple faculty of spiritual Strength. We bring our attention to the power center of spiritual Strength at the small of the back, and see it glowing green. Declare “The Christ of God through strength is awakening within me.” Repeat “Strength, Strength, Strength....” And tone the sound of “OH.” “Through Christ the Strength of God is activated within me now.” Bring the golden light to the back of the heart at the power center of love, and declare: “I meet all life’s experiences with ease and grace.” Silence...
3. “The Christ in me calls forth James, son of Zebedee, my disciple faculty of Wisdom. We bring our attention to the Wisdom power center at the pit of the stomach, and see it glowing yellow. Declare “The Christ of God through Wisdom is awakening within me.” Repeat “Wisdom, Wisdom, Wisdom....” Tone the sound of “RA.” “Through Christ the Wisdom of almighty God is activated within me now.” Now bring the golden light to the back of the heart to the power center of love, and declare: “All my decisions are guided by God’s wisdom.” Silence...
4. “The Christ in me calls forth John my disciple faculty of Love. We bring our attention to the power center of Love at the back of the heart. See it glowing pink. Declare “The Christ of God through Love is awakening within me.” Repeat “Love, Love, Love....” Tone the sound of “AH.” “Through Christ the Love of God is activated within me now.” We bring the golden light here and declare: “I am an open vessel for God’s Love to flow through.” Silence...
5. The Christ in me calls forth Philip my disciple faculty of Spiritual Power. We bring our attention to the power center of Spiritual Power at the root of the tongue, and see it glowing purple. Declare “The Christ of God through Spiritual Power is awakening within me.” Repeat “Power, Power, Power....” Tone the sound of “HA.” “Through Christ the Power of God is activated within me now.” Bring the golden light to the back of the heart at the power center of Love, and declare: “Through Spiritual Power I am peaceful and poised.” Silence...
6. The Christ in me calls forth Bartholomew my disciple faculty of Imagination. We bring our attention to the power center of Imagination that is at the brow between the eyes, and see it glowing light blue. Declare “The Christ of God through imagination is awakening within me.” Repeat “Imagination, Imagination, Imagination....” Tone the sound of “I” (aye) “Through Christ the Imagination of God is activated within me now.” Bring the golden light to the back of the heart at the power center of Love, and declare: “My eyes are opened to God’s beauty and goodness. Silence...
7. The Christ in me calls forth Thomas my disciple faculty of Understanding. We bring our attention to the power center of Understanding at the front of the brain, and see it glowing gold. Declare “The Christ of God through Understanding is awakening within me.” Repeat “Understanding, Understanding, Understanding....” Tone the sound of “AUM.”
“Through Christ the Understanding of God is activated within me now.” We bring the golden light to the back of the heart at the power center of Love, and declare: “My understanding of Truth blesses all I do.” Silence...
8. The Christ in me calls forth Matthew, my disciple faculty of Will. We now bring our attention to the power center of Will located at center front of the brain, and see it glowing silver. Declare “The Christ of God through Divine Will is awakening within me.” Repeat “Will, Will, Will....” Tone the sound of “EEE.” “Through Christ the Divine Will of God is activated within me now.” We bring the golden light to the back of the heart at the power center of Love, and declare: “Divine Will is working out the highest good for me.” Silence...
9. The Christ in me calls forth James, son of Alphaeus, my disciple faculty of Order. We now bring our attention to the power center of Order located at the naval, and see it glowing dark green. Declare “The Christ of God through Divine Order is awakening within me.” Repeat “Order, Order, Order....” Tone the sound of “OOO.” “Through Christ the Divine Order of God is activated within me now.” We bring the golden light to the back of the heart at the power center of Love, and declare: “All is good, all is right in my life.” Silence...
10. The Christ in me calls forth Simon, my disciple faculty of Zeal. We now bring our attention to the power center of Zeal at back of the head, and see it glowing orange. Declare “The Christ of God through Zeal is awakening within me.” Repeat “Zeal, Zeal, Zeal....” Tone the sound of “AAA.” “Through Christ the Zeal of God is activated within me now.” We bring the golden light to the back of the heart at the power center of Love, and declare: “I am enthused to live everyday with purpose.” Silence...
11. The Christ in me calls forth Thaddaeus, my disciple faculty of Renunciation” We now bring our attention to the power center of Renunciation at the lower bowels near the base of the spine, and see it glowing russet. Declare “The Christ of God through renunciation is awakening within me.” Repeat “Renunciation, Renunciation, Renunciation....” Tone the sound of “UUU.” “Through Christ the Renunciation of God is activated within me now.” We bring the golden light to the back of the heart at the power center of love, and declare: “As I release I am filled with gratitude.” Breath it in. Silence...
12. The Christ in me calls forth Judas, my disciple faculty of Life. We now bring our attention to the Life power center at the very base of the spine, and see it glowing red. Declare “The Christ of God through Divine Life is awakening within me.” Repeat “Life, Life, Life....” Tone o the sound of “UH.” “Through Christ the Life of God is activated within me now.” We bring the golden light to the back of the heart at the power center of love, and declare: “the restorative life of God is renewing me now.” Silence...
Affirm: “The joy of the Lord is a wellspring within me, and I am Spirit, and I am the resurrection, and the Life...” The activity of regenerative life is now flowing joy to every part of our being. Our body temple is the garden of God and that every cell and fiber is made new and pure by this baptism of the Holy Spirit. “I Am the image and likeness of God in manifestation. I AM joyously grateful!”
Now bring the golden light of Spirit into the palms of our hands and into our feet. It is through our hands and feet that we put these powers to work in this world for good purposes. We shall now in silence listen for inspiration and guidance in how we are going to do our own good works. (5-10 minutes)
“Christ in you is the hope and glory.”
Affirm: “The Christ in me is the hope and glory.”
Let us bring our attention back to our breath, and to our body - stretch a little, and be fully present in the here and now. Thank you for joining me in Our 12 Power Meditation.