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Advent Reading "Faith" & Meditation by Rev. Christine Emmerling 12/5/21 (text)


We’re in the season of Advent in which we light our Advent candles. If you don’t have an actual candle, you may use your imagination. First today we recall the first candle we lit, that is Hope. Let us take a moment now to relight our first candle representing Hope.

We shall now move on to our 2nd week of Advent representing Faith. The scripture reading today is from Luke 1:38, 45-47. “Mary said, Here I Am, a handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word. And the angel went away from her.”

“And blessed is she who believed; for there will be a fulfillment of the things which were spoken to her from the Lord. And Mary said, My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.”

We shall now light our candle representing Faith.

This week we keep in mind the faith that moves mountains, heals the sick, and raises the dead. Let us affirm: “Faith is quickened in me now, and is empowering my thoughts, words, and everything I do.”


Let us move into meditation. I invite you to get comfortable, relax, and close your eyes as we go inward. Bring your attention to your breath.

The Divine Presence of God, is right here, and everywhere present. Right where I am God is. God’s love, life, and light is here now. God is the very life that I am, and is the love, life, light expressing in and through me.

My faith of God is the love, life and light in all I give and do.

God’s love is the substance of all creation. The out picturing of that which is within all. The stars and every cosmic body is an expression of God’s love. The power of our sun’s love to ignite and sustain our beautiful mother earth and all life here. The out pouring of our mother earth’s love as the substance that sustains life here.

All God, All Love; even the ground we stand upon is Divine Spirit Substance, every drop of water is alive in love; every molecule of air is alive in love; every plant is alive in love, all living creatures are alive in love. I am vitally alive in God’s all embracing, in filling and outpouring love.

I am one with the earth. I am one with the water. I am one with the air. I am one with all plant life. I am one with all creatures large and small, visible and invisible. I am one with it all.


My heart is filled with gratitude for these moments in expanded awareness. Let us bring our attention back to our breathing, our body, and open our eyes being fully present.

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