
Reading & Meditation (Love) by Rev. Christine Emmerling2/14/2021 text

Updated: Nov 8, 2021

Reading & Meditation Love Emmet

by Rev. Christine 2/14/2021

Today I’ve selected a reading by Emmet Fox on Love.

“Love is by far the most important thing of all.

It is the Golden Gate of Paradise.

Pray for the understanding of love, and meditate upon it daily.

It casts out fear. It is the fulfilling of the Law.

It covers a multitude of sins. Love is absolutely invincible.

There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer;

no disease that enough love will not heal;

no door that enough love will not open;

no gulf that enough love will not bridge;

no wall that enough love will not throw down;

no sin that enough love will not redeem.

It makes no difference who deeply seated may be the trouble,

how hopeless the outcome,

how muddled the tangle,

how great the mistake;

a sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all.

If only you could love enough, you would be the happiest and most powerful being in the world.”

1John 4:16 “God is love, and he that abide in love abides in God and God in him.”

Meditation on the attribute of Love.

We will now move into meditation. I invite you to get comfortable and relax. We shall begin with some full deep breathing. Every breath we breathe is the life and breath of Infinite Spirit. A holy sacred breath that lives and moves through our whole being; All God; All goodness; All love.

God Omnipotence, the one and only true power that is everywhere present. This all power is pure love that is everywhere present. This love is unconditional; meaning it is unchanging. This love is everlasting; meaning it is eternal.

Everyone everywhere is an expression of God’s pure love. Therefore I am one with this pure powerful wonderful love. This all powerful love expressing through me touches everyone in my life, and continues to spread out into the world touching heart to heart.

God’s love is unconditional, therefore I love unconditionally. (repeat)

All of creation is a wondrous outburst of God’s love. God can only bring forth like itself - love and more love - unconditional love. All of life is infinite spontaneous expressions of Divine Love; beautiful, unique creations of love. This love therefore sees beauty in its expressions; sees the unique goodness, intelligence, and creativity in all life.

Love is the glue, the invisible substance that binds all creation. Every proton, neutron, atom and cell is love, and is united in love. Every thought and heartbeat is empowered by love. Every footstep and helping hand is driven by love. Love is the life, unity, and the power of all creation both visible and invisible. We’ll now move into the Silence...

Thank you Infinite Presence for these moments in communion. Amen.

I invite you to bring your attention back to your breath; to your body; you may want to stretch a little. Open your eyes, and be fully present in the here and now.