
Chakra Meditation (short) by Rev. Teresa Stuefloten (text)

Updated: Nov 8, 2021

Short Chakra Meditation, by Rev. Teresa Stuefloten

We turn within now for a time of meditation, connecting with Source. I invite you to clear your lap, feel your feet flat on the floor, hands resting comfortably in your lap, spine straight to allow the energy to move freely, eyes closed with a soft focus on the 3rd eye area of the forehead. Bringing attention to the breath, gently following the in-breath and the out-breath, allowing the belly to expand fully with each in-breath, and contract gently with each out-breath, expanding fully with each in-breath, contracting fully with each out-breath. The sacred breath of Life. Continuing to follow the breath for several more cycles, breathing in, breathing out, settling into the silence.

Bringing attention now to the first chakra, Muladhara, the root chakra at the base of the spine, breathing into this chakra. (pause) As I breathe into this chakra, I feel stable, I feel safe, I feel supported, I feel grounded. (pause)

Bringing attention now to the second chakra, Svadhisthana, the sacral chakra in the lower abdomen, breathing into this chakra. (pause) As I breathe in to this chakra, I feel creative, I feel playful, I feel joyful, I feel abundant. (pause)

Bringing attention now to the third chakra, Manipura, the solar plexus chakra at the naval center, breathing in to this chakra. (pause) As I breathe into this chakra, I feel powerful, I feel motivated, I feel the will and the ability to manifest my deepest desire. (pause)

Bringing attention now to the fourth chakra, Anahata, the heart chakra at the center of the chest, breathing into this chakra. (pause) As I breathe into this chakra, I feel love, I feel compassion, I feel forgiveness, I feel understanding, I feel connected. (pause)

Bringing attention now to the fifth chakra, Vishuddha, the throat chakra at the base of the throat, breathing into this chakra. (pause) As I breathe in to this chakra, I feel the ability to communicate and to listen, clearly, openly, authentically, intuitively, As I breathe into this chakra, I feel purification. (pause)

Bringing attention now to the sixth chakra, Ajna, the third eye chakra, located between the eyebrows, breathing into this chakra. (pause) As I breathe into this chakra, I feel my intuition open, I feel my wisdom open, I feel my intellect and knowledge open, I feel my understanding open, I feel my imagination open. (pause)

Bringing attention now to the seventh chakra, Sahasrara, the crown chakra, the thousand petalled lotus above the crown of the head, breathing into this chakra connects me to Divine Source, God, Universal Consciousness. (pause) As I breathe into this chakra, I feel interconnected, I feel my oneness with all that is.

I am pure consciousness.

I am pure consciousness.

I am pure consciousness.